Several weeks in advance we had told her that she could have a party and suggested several ideas (swimming party, small slumber party, game night...)...she ended up deciding on something simple. She invited several of her best friends over for dinner:
For her birthday menu she decided on Shepard's Pie...yah you read right...Shepard's Pie....
with a Cold Stone's ice cream cake for dessert...
Then we took her and her friends to the San Tan Market Place for an hour of shopping where Rachel, feeling oh so grown up, bought some eye shadow and and lip gloss. After that, Greg treated them all to the movies. I think a good time was had by all.
Thank you Grandmas and Grandpas on both sides for the very generous birthday money. Rachel spent part of her birthday money on a new purple nano. She's in heaven!
Practicing her make up application, doing her hair with her new hair products and learning the words to all of the new songs on her nano...she should be well prepared for her first Stake Dance! I hope she has a blast...I know I lived for those nights when I was her age.
Happy Birthday Rachel. We are all so very proud of you!